& More is an excellent language school for people who have busy
working lives but nevertheless want to advance their Polish language
skills. The individual lessons are tailor-made to suit one’s personal
needs, availability and learning progress. Teachers change every six
months or so to familiarize the student with the full spectrum of
different accents and teaching methods. The two teachers I have so far
had have both been highly qualified and professional. Moreover, they’ve
been super friendly and a lot of fun to communicate with. I can highly
recommend Edu & More as an outstanding school for professionals
learning Polish as a foreign language..Stefan Stantejsky, Deputy Head of Advantage Austria in Poland, (
Индивидуальный курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, poziom A1)
Школа Edu&More будет идеальным выбором для тех, кто ищет высокую эффективность занятий и индивидуальный подход. Узкий профиль школы свидетельствует о сосредоточенье внимания на своей деятельности, что гарантирует несомненное качество преподавания. Распределение на группы, англо-говорящие – славяне, позволяет подобрать наиболее подходящий материал для слушателей курса, соответственно их языковым особенностям, а также придерживаться оптимального темпа обучения. Гибкость подхода позволяет каждому слушателю выбрать наиболее подходящий для него метод обучения: выполнение домашних заданий исходя из материалов, полученных на занятиях, а также доступ к интернет-платформе, которая позволяет вернуться к обучению даже на расстоянии. Дополнительным преимуществом интернет-платформы является возможность вернуться к необходимой лексической или грамматической теме в любой момент. Комплексная программа, грамматика-лексика, с упором на практические упражнения (непосредственное производство речи) позволяет достичь наилучших результатов в кратчайшие сроки. Исходя из собственного опыта, могу смело сказать, что данная школа подготавливает как к повседневному общению, так и к специализированным темам. Также хотелось бы отметить дружескую, непринужденную атмосферу занятий благодаря терпеливым, позитивно расположенным преподавателям с большим чувством такта и любовью к своему делу. Благодаря им даже после напряженного рабочего дня и учебы в университете, занятия польского всегда проходили легко и приятно.Anna Chomicz, Ukraine, (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business - Polish for Life & Studies, уровень B1, B2, C1)
& More is a great school with super teachers. Studying on the
internet platform is very efficient and, most important, very
manageable. Whenever you have a little time at work in front of the
computer, you can just go to the site and study a bit. No need to carry
books, papers etc around with you. And you never have the excuse that
you just don’t have your materials available…..I can only recommend this
method and epecially this school.Armin Coerper, ZDF Warsaw, Germany (
Индивидуальный курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень B1, B2)
belive in "learning-by-doing", and this is exactly what is happening in
Edu&More. That's why this is the most effective language course I
have ever participated. Naprawdę polecam! :)Ferenc Markolt, Hungary (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень A2, B1)
had the pleasure to take the A1 course in Edu&More in January and
February 2015. I learned more than I expected during the course. My
teacher Ewa was professional and used lots of different teaching
techniques which made learning easier and more fun. I also appreciate
her patience in teaching us and repeting many things over and over until
we learned. I fully recommend Edu&More.
Silva, Finland (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень A1)
I'd heard earlier so many times from so many people about learning
Polish language was quite discouraging. Anyhow, I decided to enroll in a
course and it's just as well that I've done it in Edu&More.
Polish here is highly efficient and enjoyable, thanks to their
well-preprared materials, online lessons, friendly atmosphere and stuff.
Ümit Dertli, Turkey (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень A1, A2)
intensive language course in Edu&More fullfilled all my wishes and
made me achieve the goal I had set to myself - learning basic Polish in a
short period of time. The teaching method, based on combining
e-learning online and intensive, communication-oriented small group
classes enables students to grasp the Polish language quickly and
effectively. Strong recommendation!".
Lassi Vainio, The Warsaw School of Economics, Finland (
Интенсивный курс польского языка, уровень A1)
Jestem bardzo zadowolona z kursu. Dla mnie ten kurs był bardzo ważny i
interesujący. Bez wyruszania z domu mogłam brać w nim udział, sama
decydując w którym momencie będę zgłębiać wiedzę. Uzyskałam sporo wiedzy
i dużo dobrej leksyki, z których na pewno skorzystam. Kurs pomógł mi
poszerzyć i usystematyzować wiedzę!Swietłana Istapienkowa, Smoleńsk, Rosja, (
курс польского языка онлайн: Polish for Life & Studies, poziom B2)
Starting from knowledge zero about the Polish language, this course is a
very good start to build up experience in a short time. I can recommend this course to everybody who likes to know more about the Polish language!Peggy Jannes, ACP Belgium (
курс польского языка онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень A1)
I have visited Poland twice and I have friends there. So, last year I
signed up to do Polish for Life and Studies, level A1. You can do the
course in Warsaw but, as I live in England, I had the choice to do the
course online. There is a time limit to complete the course but I didn't
have to stick to a rigid timetable to complete each lesson. I did
complete the course and receive a certificate. I think this course is
the best Polish language course available anywhere. It contains very
relevant and practical language material along with excellent teaching
of grammar. It is presented very professionally. If there is something
in the course that you don't understand, you can post a question on a
forum on the website. I received answers to my questions very quickly. I
think the fee for the course is very reasonable. I am very glad that I
found this course, when I searched on the Internet. I was so delighted
with the A1 course that I want to come back and do the next stage, which
is A2. I absolutely recommend these courses to anyone who has the
desire and is serious about learning Polish at an affordable cost. As I
mentioned earlier, there is the option of studying in Warsaw or at home
online!Aidan Mullinder, Musician and songwriter, Great Britain (
курс польского языка онлайн: Polish for Life & Study, уровень A1)
I am enjoying the course and have recommended it to many others that I
have come across in my work as a teacher trainer and materials writer in
ELT!Daniel Brayshaw, Great Britain (
курс польского языка онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень A2)
have been learning Polish for 2 years at Edu & More school. I
passed the state exam of Polish language for foreigners reaching the
level B1, and now I am preparing myself for the level B2. I am easily
able to face everyday life, using written and spoken Polish at work to
communicate with collegues and clients. I recommend teachers from Edu
& More school, as they are competent, creative and able to motivate
students to learning. Furthermore the school provides an interesting way
of learning, combining conversations with individual lessons on its
on-line platform. Christian Gariboldi, Seregni Printing Group, Italy (
Индивидуальный курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень B1, B2)
have the pleasure to pick the right language school to learn Polish!
Before starting to learn Polish, I was afraid of "not able to manage" to
learn Polish while working in parallel. But Edu & More made it
possible and I am learning the language. I have started to learn 6
months ago and I have self confidence now about learning Polish more and
more. Teachers are component, flexible and able to motivate you. I can
strongly recommend Edu&More with their program combining class
trainings and online-learning perfectly!
Alper Gur, SNI Consulting, Turkey (
Индивидуальный курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень A1, A2, B1 -
подготовка к сертификационному экзамену на польском языке)
am very glad that I had an opportunity to study in Edu & More
language school for foreigners.This school is one of the most reliable
ways to learn Polish language quickly and effectively. Everything is
planned in accordance with students’ wishes. Cozy room, nice
atmosphere, always helpful and friendly stuff – everything creates only
positive impression. The learning program is developed in such a way,
that you learn language from different sides at the same time. Grammar,
vocabulary and life speech are integrated in one lesson. Also, I want to
say a huge thanks to the online Polish courses, which are complementary
to the overall course. First of all, you have an opportunity to review
your online lesson, enhance it and repeat it whenever you want. The
structure of online lessons is very convenient. First- you learn words
and rules, then you have exercises to practice what you’ve just learned.
Also, grammar and vocabulary help is available every time. Important to
add, that lessons are created with funny pictures and animations, which
makes the learning process more pleasant. I want to wish this school
further success and prosperity.Anna Kim, Kazakhstan (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Life & Studies, уровень A1)
Я изучаю
польский язык в школе Edu & More с октября месяца. Я очень рада, что имею
возможность изучать язык именно здесь, так как школа имеет ряд преимуществ. Во первых, небольшие
группы, что дает возможность каждому активно участвовать в процессе
обучения. Комнаты уютные и атмосфера
очень дружественная. Во вторых, следует отметить компетентность и креативность
преподавателей. Уроки всегда проходят интересно, благодаря разнообразию
учебного процесса, что включает в себя как обучение в игровой форме, так и
серьезные дискуссии на изучаемые темы. Также стоит отметить онлайн обучение,
что позволяет каждому выбирать удобное время и темп для похождения материала.
Более того, определенное количество тренировочных упражнений по каждому уроку,
позволяет лучше закрепить материал. Также, каждый урок можно повторять
неограниченное количество раз, если это требуется. Я очень довольна школой Edu
& More. И могу рекомендовать ее, как удачный выбор для изучения польского
Oksana Pankova, Ukraine (Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Life & Studies, уровень B1)
am very glad of Polish lessons in Edu and More School. By these lessons
I can a little speak in Polish and understand Polish people.I learn
polish for 2 months and my learning in this school make me to want to
learn Polish more and more. Simon Mkare Kalama (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Life & Studies, уровень A1, A2, B1)
kia, tôi cứ nghĩ rằng học tiếng Ba Lan là rất khó, song điều này đã
thay đổi khi tôi đến trường Edu&More và gặp cô giáo. Với cô mọi việc
trở nên dễ dàng với phương pháp dạy tiếng rất tuyệt vời, đó là chấp
nhận sự chưa thật hoàn chỉnh. Và tôi muốn nói với các bạn đang chuẩn bị
học tiếng là các bạn hãy học, hãy nói và các cô giáo của trường
Edu&More sẽ lắng nghe những câu nói chưa thật sự đúng của các bạn
với tinh thần trách nghiệm cao nhất và sẽ từng bước hướng dẫn các bạn
nói đúng, nói chuẩn xác với lòng tận tụy nhất. Xin một lần nữa nhắc các
bạn đòi hỏi sự hoàn chỉnh trong việc học một ngôn ngữ, giống như sự hoàn
chỉnh của một bài toán đẹp, sẽ là một sự sai lầm khi học một ngôn ngữ
mới. Và việc các cô giáo của trường Edu&More, trong đó có cô giáo
Dominika của tôi đã giải quyết một cách rất tuyệt vời. Học sinh lớn tuổi. Darek Nguyễn, Vietnam (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Life & Studies, уровень A1, A2)
Cám ơn trung tâm dạy tiếng Edu & More !
rất biết ơn và trân thành cám ơn trung tâm Edu & More và đội ngũ
thầy cô của trường đã nhiệt tình giảng dạy, cung cấp tài liệu và giúp đỡ
tôi tận tình trong việc học tập tiếng Ba Lan. Tiếng Ba Lan là một ngôn
ngữ khó. Sau một thời gian dài sống ở Ba Lan, tôi vẫn gập nhiều khó khăn
để hiểu về ngôn ngữ nơi đây. Có nhiều lúc tôi còn cảm thấy chán và mệt
mỏi vì thứ ngôn ngữ phức tạp này. Nhưng từ khi tôi đến với trung tâm Edu
& More, tôi đã thay đổi, tôi thấy thích thú ngôn ngữ Ba Lan sau
từng giờ học. Cô giáo Dominika Uliczka với những phương pháp hiện đại,
vui vẻ, nhiệt tình đã giúp tôi trong thời gian rất ngắn để hoàn thành
bài thi tiếng lấy bằng B1 tiếng Ba Lan. Đây là điều mà trước đó tôi ko
bao giờ nghĩ mình có thể làm được.
Cám ơn trung tâm Edu & more và chúc các bạn luôn thành công và phát triển ! PHẠM Dương Quốc Tuấn, Vietnam (
Курс - подготовка к сертификационному экзамену на польском языке, уровень B1)
là Ly Jakubiszyn hiện đang theo học lớp tiếng Ba Lan của cô. Tôi đã học
được 2 tháng , tôi rất vui và phấn khởi khi được theo lớp học này. Tôi
mơ ước mình sẽ nói được tốt tiếng Ba Lan, cám ơn cô đã mở ra lớp học để
những người như tôi được biết đọc , viết tiếng Ba Lan khi đang sinh sống
và làm việc trên đất nước này. Cám ơn cô đã giúp tôi thực hiện ước mơ
của mình. Chúc cô luôn khỏe. Ly Jakubiszyn, Vietnam (
Групповый курс польского языка а также курс онлайн: Polish for Work & Business, уровень A2)
It was definitely a beneficial educational course. It had many
intricate ways of teaching me how to get to know Poland and Polish
better. It was very good in covering all the basic situations
that a tourist might encounter, from ordering food, to visiting a
doctor, to looking for specific Polish holiday activities. One feature
the course has is the 'words in purple' that (when clicked on) describe a
bit more about Polish culture in relation to a certain word or topic in
the lesson. This is quite a unique and interesting aspect of this
particular course.
The course quickly progresses the student from
the basics of numbers, days, and colours to listening to full speed
normal conversations in Polish. The testing directly after the lessons,
for me, was extremely helpful in making me understand which parts of the
lesson I may not have paid enough attention to. It was also easy to go
back within the same lesson, study again, and try the exercise again.
Of course, accessing the course from anywhere,
online, is a great asset. It allowed me to study in my own time, for
example, at midnight just as I was going to bed, or during a meal on my
own, or first thing in the morning before getting out of bed. If I was
able to study in person in Warsaw and also compliment my study with the
online courses, I am sure it would be a short time before I was speaking
like a native. Thank you to the team at Eduandmore!
Allison Baldasare, United States (
курс онлайн: Polish for Tourists, уровень A1)
As a person who sings, plays mostly folk music and writes music, I
found this course particularly interesting and enjoyable. It exceeded my
expectations! Aidan Mullinder, Musician and songwriter, Great Britain (
урок онлайн: Musicians & Instruments)
Czesc Co slychac? I
just thought I would let you know I am really enjoying the online
course. It is excellent, so if you ever want a testimonial for your
website I'll be happy to give one!James, Great Britain (
курс онлайн: Polish for Life & Studies, уровень A1)
Our institutional and corporate Clients, i.e.: