What sets our interactive Polish language courses for foreigners (polishonlinenow.com)
apart from other Polish courses?
Polish for Work & Business Our online Business Polish course concentrates on everyday topics used in the work and business environment. We were the world leaders in creating an online Polish course with a business profile. Available from basic to advanced level. A great solution if you want to learn Polish, and you work a lot or you often go on business trips! Click on the green arrow to scroll down 30 subjects in each proficiency level. |
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01. Say „Good morning” | 11. What time is it? |
21. At a Bar |
02. Introduce Yourself |
12. Timetable | 22. Body & Health |
03. In a Office |
13. Describe People & Things | 23. Months & Season |
04. Who is who in a Company? |
14. On a Phone | 24. Institutions |
05. In a City |
15. Family & Friends | 25. Bussines Trip |
06. Go for Lunch |
16. Leisure Time | 26. Boss & Assistant |
07. How many? How much? |
17. Flat & House | 27. Clothes & Colours |
08. Where are you from? |
18. Money | 28. Kiosk & Post Office |
09. Week & Week Days |
19. In a Food Shop | 29. Company Departments |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
01. Invitation | 11. On a red carpet |
21. In a hotel |
02. I have a question |
12. Good address | 22. Long weekend |
03. Company life |
13. On the way | 23. Sympathies & Antipathies |
04. Geography in practice |
14. Business meetings | 24. Prices & credits |
05. A perfect boss |
15. Time is money | 25. Television & media |
06. Cosmetics & Hygiene |
16. From breakfast to supper | 26. Ties & High heels |
07. At a table |
17. What’s new in politics? | 27. Household appliances |
08. The Internet |
18. When was it? | 28. Talks & Discussions |
09. Sector & Profit |
19. Company means people | 29. Good deal |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
01. To Be & To Have | 11. Services |
21. Polish administration |
02. New Brand |
12. Advertising | 22. Opinions & Polemics |
03. Awards in business |
13. Fears | 23. Holidays & Leaves |
04. Everyday rush |
14. Law & Fields of Law | 24. Recruitment |
05. If I were... |
15. Correspondence | 25. Interpersonal communication |
06. Types of culture |
16. Personal development | 26. History |
07. Order on a desk |
17. Human Nature | 27. Business cooperation |
08. Business plan |
18. Customer comes first | 28. Project management |
09. Economy & Stock Exchange |
19. Success & Happiness | 29. E-shopping |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
01. Roots or a contract | 11. Business mistakes |
21. Quality Management & Inspection |
02. Meetings & Councils |
12. Inspirations | 22. Partnership |
03. Presentation |
13. Cultural differences | 23. Organizational culture |
04. Career | 14. Motivating employees | 24. Knowledge & Innovations |
05. City life | 15. Selling & Buying | 25. Community life |
06. Trends & Fashion | 16. Assessment & Evaluation | 26. On the web |
07. Time management | 17. Production | 27. Character & Personality |
08. Self-esteem | 18. Fair & Trade Events | 28. Real Estate |
09. Balance &Costs | 19. Lobbying | 29. Business – less formal |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
Polish for Life & Studies Our online Polish course for all foreigners who live in Poland or have Polish friends or family. Polish for foreigners who want to study in Poland, or have already started their studies at Polish universities. Also, for foreigners of Polish ancestry, who wish to learn Polish so as to return to their roots as well as friends who want to join group of multilingual people. And for all those interested in learning everyday Polish. We've chosen subjects in such a way, that each lesson will be helpful for specific situations. This Polish language course will make your life easier in many everyday situations. You will learn Polish, and thanks to cultural comments, you will adapt to the Polish environment faster, and you will discover many interesting things about Poland and Poles. Great solutions for every person who likes to learn effectively, at their own pace, at any time and place! Click on the green arrow to scroll down 30 subjects in each proficiency level. |
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01. Say „Hello” | 11. What time is it? | 21. At a Bar |
02. What’s your name? | 12. Timetable | 22. Body & Health |
03. What do you study? | 13. Describe People & Things | 23. Months & Season |
04. Where are you from? | 14. Emergency cases | 24. Work & Employment |
05. In a City | 15. Family & Friends | 25. Biography |
06. At a University | 16. Hobbies | 26. Emotions & Feelings |
07. How many? How much? | 17. Flat & House | 27. Clothes & Colours |
08. Week & Week Days | 18. Money & Documents | 28. Kiosk & Post Office |
09. Something to eat | 19. In a Food Shop | 29. What are your plans? |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
01. Invitation | 11. On a red carpet | 21. In a hotel |
02. I have a question | 12. Good address | 22. Long weekend |
03. Being a student | 13. On the way | 23. Sympathies & Antipathies |
04. Geography in practice | 14. Shall we meet? | 24. Customer service |
05. A good friend | 15. Renovation | 25. Television & media |
06. Cosmetics & Hygiene | 16. From breakfast to supper | 26. Ties & High heels |
07. At a table | 17. What’s new in politics? | 27. Household appliances |
08. The Internet | 18. When was it? | 28. Outside the city |
09. What to study? | 19. In a shopping arcade | 29. Blonde & Black-haired men |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
01. To Be & To Have | 11. Services |
21. Polish administration |
02. Possibilities & Perspectives |
12. Weather | 22. Opinions & Polemics |
03. Competitions & Prizes |
13. Fears | 23. Holidays & Leaves |
04. Everyday rush |
14. Legal aid | 24. Job market |
05. If I were... |
15. Correspondence | 25. Misunderstandings & Conflicts |
06. Types of culture |
16. Personal development | 26. History |
07. Order on a desk |
17. Human Nature | 27. Household budget |
08. Lifestyle |
18. Sport | 28. Furnishing a flat |
09. In the kitchen |
19. Diseases | 29. E-shopping |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
01. Roots or a contract | 11. Problems on a trip |
21. Family for advanced |
02. Real Estate Agency |
12. Inspirations |
22. Partnership |
03. Presentation |
13. Cultural differences | 23. Jokes |
04. Freelance & Casual work |
14. Requests & Demands |
24. Knowledge & Innovations |
05. City life |
15.At a market | 25. Community life |
06. Trends & Fashion |
16. Rumours & Scandals | 26. On the web |
07. Time management |
17. Looks & Condition |
27. Character & Personality |
08. Self-esteem |
18. Books & Records |
28. Games & Fun |
09. Presents and souvenirs |
19. Worries & Troubles |
29. In Polish – ordinarily |
10. Revision: Lessons 1-9 | 20. Revision: Lessons 11-19 | 30. Revision: Lessons 21-29 |
Polish online for Erasmus Students | |
Dear Erasmus students! Add “learn Polish” to your “TO DO” list! 17
lessons with the most important vocabulary and practical structures, which will
allow you to learn the basics of Polish, understand Poles better and capture Polish
hearts! In addition you can choose one lesson from Polish for a Special Occasion course (e.g. Polish Holiday Traditions, Poland in a Nutshell, Music & Instruments).
Develop your new language skills and get the most out of your stay by mastering the
Polish language too! Get 30% discount off for an online course with the special promotional code: CQAMZQ . When you purchase a course at polishonlinenow.com, enter a/m code in the "promotional code" field or contact us at office@polishonlinenow.com Buy this course! |
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Polish for Special Occasions - lessons made for your pleasure | |
What makes a better gift than knowledge or abilities? Check
out 30 single Polish lessons on unique topics i.e. "Polish symbols",
"Polish cuisine", "Poland in a nutshell", "From a date to a wedding",
"Working in a gastronomy", "Au pair" and others. A perfect gift for
Polish language enthusiasts. These lessons will give lots of fun and
pleasure. Gifts must be beautiful - and so are our lessons. They are
unique, out of the ordinary and unknown to our competition! Grammar
free. Buy or gift one or more lessons! Click on the green arrow to scroll down 30 lessons of different subjects. |
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![]() What's the coolest place at private parties? The kitchen. That's the place where it smells great. We hope the food you can prepare using recipes from this lesson will also smell great. Enjoy Polish! Lessons ideal for cooking fans. |
![]() The information you should know about each country. Basic knowledge. Elements important to survive. Even if you have nothing in common with Poland this lesson will make you feel good. Lesson ideal for people curious of the world. |
![]() Made by women for women. It's full of words from a purse. It will help you survive in the world of women. Take it everywhere, where high-heels can be heard. For you, your sister, girlfriend or a boss. It's ideal for women, as they like to learn. |
![]() This lesson has been consulted with men. Mens without unnecessary talks. Only things needed close to you, like accelerator pedal in your car. This lesson will be good for all men, boys, brothers, colleagues and bosses. It's ideal also for women, who want to learn a man's point of view in Polish. |
![]() This lesson doesn't have to be advertised. The title speaks for itself, and the word "Darling..." is well known around the world. This lesson is obligatory for people who have Polish partners. It's also appropriate for those who like to flirt in other languages. And Polish is great for flirting. This lesson is ideal for those in love today and tomorrow. |
![]() Lesson for all who think that Polish is difficult. For a good start. Maybe for a president of a corporation, who has little time, or maybe for a foreign contractor, who rarely comes to Poland... Europolish overcomes language barrier. The lesson is ideal for hard-working people. |
![]() Who doesn't do shopping at markets? Products from markets are always fresh and interesting. For many years Polish "has been buying" words from other languages. Learn which other languages these are, when it happened and why. See if a word used in Polish comes from your language. The market teaches words, entertains and pleases people. The lesson is ideal for people who love foreign languages. |
![]() 2012 is an important year for Poles. Stadiums and motorways are being built, and fans are getting their throats ready. European Football Championship is held in Poland and Ukraine. It'll be difficult for you to support footballers without this lesson. If you, or one of your friends, decide to see a match, take this lesson with you. It's as important as a ticket. |
![]() You don't have to use words in a bedroom. But is it always true? Such lesson won't be found at universities or in books. It's hard to ask anybody about intimate vocabulary. And it's a very important topic. Even if you don't speak Polish, there are situations, when it's worth it. Become convinced. This lesson is ideal not only for lovers. |
![]() We spend a lot of time in cars. We travel, we go to work and we have problems...and mechanics don't always know foreign languages. This lesson has been prepared as drivers' tool kit. It's ideal to be placed in a glove compartment. |
Polish for Tourists Polish lessons online to be taken as hand-luggage! 16 Polish language lessons tailored to travellers' needs. Only the most important vocabulary and structures. Grammar free. It’s not heavy, but it’s important to make travels unforgettable and happier thanks to possessing new skills. Learn useful vocabulary and structures, which make it possible to get to know Poland, Polish culture and customs better. It could save you a great deal of frustration when travelling, and help you feel independent, but it will also please your hosts. We believe that you will come back to Poland to see more…
Buy this course! Click on the green arrow to scroll down to see 16 Polish for Tourists lessons. |
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![]() Every language course starts from some basic vocabulary e.g. days of the week or month, colours, meal names, family members and relatives, etc. You got it in this lesson. Plus several basic structures will be like a warm-up before learning more. Jeden (one), dwa (two), trzy (three) – let's start your Polish course!
![]() Saying hello and goodbye and other polite phrases are usually taught at the very begining in every language. You will learn how to meet other people in both formal and informal way. You will learn basic structures used when meeting new people. Besides, You will also say in Polish where you are from. There are also a few cultural titbits about saying hello and polite behaviour in public places.
![]() This lesson is like a toolkit to make establishing new contacts easier. You will phrases connected with confirming and denying. You will learn how to refuse in a polite way. You will also learn these useful structures: To jest mój / moja / moje ... (it's my ... - masc, fem, neu) and different examples of invitations to spend time together. It’s a common knowledge that making a good impression when making new friends is extremely important.
![]() Regardless of what we take with us for holiday – a backpack or five suitcases – we pack things we need and we can’t live without. Here, you will learn the vocabulary connected with personal belongings and hand luggage as well as typical accessories we take with us on a trip. There are also important structures which will be necessary if you get robbed, or if you lose something.
![]() After this lesson, you will make, change and cancel your reservation. In a hotel, in a hostel or in a guest house. You won’t have any problems with reserving a restaurant table for two or more. You will learn a useful structure Szukam / Szukamy (I’m looking / We’re looking) + place. You will also find out about the most popular spa towns in Poland.
![]() Most of the staff in Polish hotels, depending on the region, speak English, German or French and they are eager to polish these languages with you. Your knowledge of structures concerning reservations, ordering hotel services and extending or shortening your stay will surprise them. You will also learn a useful structure about services included in the price. This lesson can be useful in a hotel but also in a guest house and private rooms.
![]() This lesson in necessary for every tourist. A bus, museum or concert ticket. Thanks to the structures from this lesson, you won’t have any problems with buying and reserving them in Polish. You will also learn Polish names of ticketed places and events. Check the comments – you will find there useful information e.g. about public transport tickets. Maybe it will allow you to save some money!
![]() Thanks to this lesson, you won’t lose your way in a city, and you’ll get (on foot, by bus or car) to all the interesting places and tourist attractions. You will learn extremely useful and broad structures e.g.: Gdzie jest / są ... ? (Where is /are…), Jak dojść ...? (How to get to… "on foot") Jak dojechać ...? (How to get to… "by car"?) and many necessary expressions to talk about directions and locations. |
![]() Tasting local delicacies is an indispensable and one of the most popular parts of each trip. You will learn about typical Polish snacks, appetisers, soups and other dishes. You won’t have any problems with ordering them in Polish in every restaurant. You will also learn the structures which are useful when talking to a waiter. You will be able to comment on a cold or burnt dish – hope you won’t experience that! You will also find out, among other things, what smalec (lard) is made of, and how to prepare delicious zrazy (roulade). We hope that you will become a fan of Polish cuisine!
![]() Do you know that some Polish cities, like Kraków or Gdańsk, are popular for weekend tourism e.g. for stag parties? Maybe it’s so because Poles like to have fun, and many clubs and restaurants are open until morning. After this lesson, you won’t have any problems with ordering something to drink at a bar in every club or cafe. This lesson also includes the names of popular snacks and structures which are necessary to talk with bartenders.
![]() Shopping. Who doesn’t like it? You will learn Polish names of basic products and phrases helpful while doing shopping in a grocery shop, shopping mall or at a market. You should remember these two important words: Promocja (promotion) and Wyprzedaż (sale), even though you will often come across their English equivalents in shopping malls. After this lesson, you should definitely do shopping in Polish on your own. It will be a great test of your language skills. Poles will appreciate your efforts.
![]() During a doctor’s appointment, it’s best to speak a native tongue to avoid misunderstandings. But thanks to this lesson, you will learn basic structures which will allow you to define your health and mood. You will learn about basic medicines and phrases which will allow you to do shopping at a chemist’s on your own. The lesson also includes Polish names of body parts.
![]() Festivals, fairs, picnics, horse riding. The vocabulary in this lesson
will be useful for fans of cultural events, active leisure, but also
those who spend their free time on improving their skills. The
structures will also allow you to look for local tourist attractions.
You will also be able to talk about your tourist plans. The comments
include, among other, information about big music festivals during
summer, and where in Poland birdwatchers can find their paradise.
![]() Poland is surrounded by mountains from the south. From beautiful Bieszczady to tall Tatry - in this lessons, you will learn the names of the most important mountains and peaks. You will also learn the structures which will allow you to fully enjoy in Polish the rest in the mountains, both in summer and winter. For example, you will be able to rent necessary equipment and call for help, if needed.
![]() Here, you will learn the vocabulary which will come in handy if you decide to visit Polish sea or lakes. It is connected with holiday places and water equipment. You will learn typical structures about being active in water. The comments will answer the questions about the most popular town among young people, where surfers and kite surfers go, and which Polish rivers offer best conditions for canoeing. Poland has a lot to offer for fans of water sports !
![]() Adjust your course to your interest or needs and choose one addtional lesson from "Polish for special occassion! |
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